Prismal Puts the Power of the Lab in Your Hand

Introducing Our Premier Sample-Testing Devices to Empower Businesses and Consumers

Test materials to understand their composition, check for contaminants, and more. Prismal devices make it easy to test where you want, when you want, and make informed decisions based on fast results, whether you’re working in agriculture or are a mother of two.

No longer rely on expensive labs or the evidence and assurances of others. Boost productivity and efficiency and pad your bottom line with your own testing equipment from Prismal.

Lab in Your Hand

We offer three versions of our Lab in your Hand™ device, so you can get test information whenever you need it: in the office and the field, or even in your kitchen with Prismal’s personal testing device.

Our technology – driven by Raman spectrometry – provides comprehensive data that you can leverage to determine the composition of the materials you work with and use, like water, soil, raw materials, and consumer goods.

Test in 10 minutes

Available for your office, field, or home

Ensure products meet your standards

Choose quality products every time

Get your formula right

Protect your brand

Protect your family

Avoid lab testing obstacles

Eliminate inefficiencies

It’s As Simple as 1, 2, 3.

Powered by our cloud-based software, AI, and external database connectivity, Prismal means you won’t have to rely on analysis from a food testing lab near you. Get all the information you need, whenever you need it. Getting the results is as easy as using any home appliance.

Place the sample into the cartridge.

Place the cartridge into Prismal’s office, field, or home device.

In 10 minutes, get a full-fledged analysis of your sample.

Prismal Represents a Paradigm Shift for Your Industry’s Processes

Knowledge is power, particularly when it comes to safety and quality assurance for the materials you work with. When you know what to expect, you can focus on growth, progress, and innovation. 

Our Raman spectrometry technology for businesses empowers any industry to quickly and easily detect contaminants, test for quality, or understand the makeup of the materials they work with every day. Be the first in their industry to monitor your materials and products in real time, avoiding inefficiencies, decreasing lost productivity and revenue, and getting your product to market faster. Sidestep the inefficiencies of lab testing, make informed strategic decisions, and thrive with the confidence that our resources provide.


Water Companies



Organic Foods

Sports Nutrition


...and many more!

Prismal’s Testing Technology Is a Simple Addition to Your Home Kitchen

You want to keep your family safe and protected, and you deserve to know what’s in the products your family eats, drinks, uses, and wears. In the food, supplements, and cosmetics industries alone, the FDA estimates that hospitalizations, ER visits, and deaths total in the thousands – and that’s only the reported cases, which account for less than 10% of the harm that consumers experience.

Concerned about the chemical composition of something you purchased? Want to know if a product’s claims are true? Make science-informed decisions with Prismal’s consumer technology.

Just as the Internet has expanded our understanding of the world around us in ways that weren’t possible before, Prismal is ushering in a new era of digitally driven knowledge – right in your kitchen.

Leverage Prismal’s Technology for a Key Advantage in Your Market - and Your Home

Those on the cutting edge of their industry have a rare ability to recognize opportunity before the rest. Contact Prismal to become an early adopter, learn more about our Lab in your Hand™ devices, and share your thoughts on how you can increase productivity, eliminate inefficiencies, and innovate in your industry with Prismal’s technology at your fingertips.

We make it easy to harness never-before-available technology, so you can rely on yourself to do the testing and analysis that previously required outside parties. You’ll no longer have to perform tests, such as contaminated water and food analyses, by depending on lab testing near you.

Prismal believes that better information yields better products, better businesses, and a marketplace where everyone thrives. Join us in our commitment to ensuring that all businesses and consumers have the knowledge they need to make informed choices about the materials they buy, sell, and use.